An Agricultural Blog for Natural Born Farmers
We are a group of young individuals hailing from farming backgrounds and countries. Our educational paths diverged into various professions, spanning from law, business, medicine, to engineering and e-commerce. However, our roots in agriculture run deep, as we never ceased to ponder the happenings on our family farms and retain the wisdom imparted by our parents during our upbringing.
Thus, we resolved to launch this blog, dedicated to disseminating valuable insights across a spectrum of agricultural topics and engaging with the farming community. Drawing from our childhood learnings and ongoing interest in agricultural activities, we aim to provide a platform where farmers can access pertinent information and resources.
Furthermore, we diligently seek out and curate the finest tools and products tailored to farmers' requirements, with the intention of simplifying and enriching their lives. Our overarching objective is to empower farmers to expand their enterprises and discover optimal tools and products to meet their specific needs.
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Because we born this way, we love farming.
Welcome to Love And Other Tractors!